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More observation time results in less CT scans

August 14th, 2013 • brain injury

New York residents might take interest in hearing that children who are taken to the emergency room with minor blunt head trauma are less likely to require computed tomography scans if they are observed for longer periods of time. A study from the Annals of Emergency Medicine revealed that for every hour that passed by that a child was in the observation room, they became less likely to have to have a CT scan done, regardless of the child's risk for a traumatic brain injury.

The lead study author of the publication said that observing children before making decisions concerning whether or not they required CT scans didn't delay their diagnosis of children who did suffer from a TBI. The study also showed that most children's symptoms improved within the observation period and that every hour of observation reduced the number of CT scans by an average of 70 percent.

Additionally, the study revealed that each year more than half a million children are taken to emergency room departments for blunt head trauma, but very few of those children will actually develop a TBI. The lead study author stated that physicians must learn how to balance the possibility of missing a TBI diagnosis with the possibility of inflicting damage from unnecessary ionizing radiation exposure from CT scans on children.

People who have experienced side effects from unnecessary medical procedures, as well as people who have had conditions go undiagnosed, might be able to file medical malpractice lawsuits against those responsible. Medical malpractice attorneys could be able to evaluate people's cases to determine whether or not they have valid claims. The attorney may then be able to file suit on behalf of their client and pursue a fair settlement.

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