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Autistic teen goes missing from school grounds

October 24th, 2013 • premises liability

A New York family has filed a notice of claim against a school after the disappearance of their autistic son. The possible premises liability claim began when a teenage boy went missing from the school grounds. While the Rego Park family believed that their son was still alive at the time of the report, the commanding officer in the 112th Precinct noted that every day the search becomes more intense.

Searching subway tunnels and disbursing flyers, local police have made the search for the missing teen their highest priority. Although several people have claimed that they saw him, the family does not believe those stories; according to the missing boy's brother, the witnesses said that they spoke with him, but he is unable to speak. Police have also studied surveillance footage, but it has failed to provide any leads.

As the search goes on, the family members of the missing boy report getting only a few hours of sleep each day. The boy's brother also said that his mother is unable to stop crying. With a lawsuit pending, the brother said that it is obvious the school is liable for the disappearance. He went on to say that the security guard failed to stop his brother from leaving school grounds and waited one and a half hours to notify the family.

After a traumatic event such as this, crippling anxiety may cause some people to lose sleep and be unable to return to their normal work routine. By proving that the school's negligence resulted in the boy's disappearance, the family's lawyer may be able to help them claim damages.

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